Languages and pronunciations on offer


I offer voice acting and voice over work in three languages:

  • German, English and Dutch


For projects with language pronunciations, I can service you in:

  • German, English, Dutch, French and Icelandic


For German voice work I have a range of accents to offer:

  • German accents: Frankonian, Bavarian, Thyringian and Saxon
  • Foreign accents in German: English, Dutch, French, Icelandic


Curious how my voice sounds? Here is a demo.

Collaboration for good quality voice work


Good quality voice work really is in the details. Prior to recordings, I’d like to discuss the target audience, purpose of the project and the kind of voice and tone of voice you are looking for. I make sure I understand these specifics and your wishes really well. This way, I can tailor my voice work to these details. And we can achieve the best results for your project, together.


Professional home studio


Recordings can take place at a studio of your choosing. But an online, far-distance collaboration is not a problem either, because I do have a recording setup at home. This includes:

  • A professional set up
  • Studio microphone
  • Vocal booth

Also I am experienced in sound editing, and this can be part of my services.